Request a demonstration of the AXL RADIUS Client V3 API

Request a demonstration of the AXL RADIUS Client Version 3 API

The demonstration version’s random number generator is non-random and so is not suitable for a secure system. Otherwise it’s a fully operational RADIUS Client API. The client will only authenticate using the name ‘radiusdemoclient’. Any other name will be ignored.

The demonstration client comes with:

  • A command line application for authentication and accounting
  • A configuration file application for authentication and / or accounting that
    can also loop.
  • A client load simulator for authentication and accounting.
    It uses a configurable number of threads and iterations per thread
    (The usefulness of this simulator may be compromised by the limited random number generator)
  • All the above client applications can be configured to use the authentication methods PAP, CHAP, MSChap V1 & V2, and EAP-MD5.

Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required. Email addresses from large anonymous ISP’s will be ignored (e.g. hotmail, yahoo, etc.).

The server is sent by email so be sure your email address is correct.

Fields marked with red asterisks (*) are required and must be filled out correctly and completely or your software will not be sent.

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*A small Mathematical question to prove you’re not a machine

*What is fifty-five minus 11?